Jussi-Ville Heiskanen wrote:
I would not have thought of running against Florence, so this possibility didn't even arise until she made her decision. After pondering it, I have decided that I will also not be a candidate in this election, but will remain in the chapter-selection track for now. Instead I would like to offer some general observations about this election (not about any particular candidate).
I Frankly cannot say the same, in fact, I would feel Florence herself would be dissapointed in me if I did not run against her, if she (were such a thing possible) betrayed all she stood for. I have such high regard for Florence. Personally I would have stood against Florence in this election, had she stood in defence of all she was against before. But in no other circumstance. And as painful as the separation is for her, I am personally happy I had not a hand in it. Nor a need for such. Brava!
I remember that, last time, you ran because there would be no thrill of victory if it were all too easy, wouldn't it ? ;-)