On 4/20/07, Birgitte SB birgitte_sb@yahoo.com wrote:
Art. L. 121-1. L'auteur jouit du droit au respect de son nom, de sa qualité et de son oeuvre. Ce droit est attaché à sa personne. Il est perpétuel, inaliénable et imprescriptible. Il est transmissible à cause de mort aux héritiers de l'auteur. L'exercice peut être conféré à un tiers en vertu de dispositions testamentaires.
Yikes, I'd say the answer to your initial question is no, unfortunately. But as someone said above, many countries limit freedom in strange ways. As long as it isn't part of the license, I would rather treat this as anti-hate laws etc.
I consider myself fr-1, but until something better comes along:
the author enjoys the right of the respect of their name, the quality, and their work. This right is attached to the person. It is perpetual, inalienable, and inviolable. It is transmissable upon death to heirs. It can be conferred upon a third parties based on a will.
Judson [[:en:User:Cohesion]]