Hello all, and welcome Brigitte and other Wikisource folks - take my greetings, from an en/jawikiquote sysop.
Brigitte SB wrote:
However, in general the people who are trusted from a Foundation perspective take little interest in the running of the smaller projects.
As Anthere said, principally there is no causality between project size and involvement to the Foundation level activities. They are many editors who are active on smaller projects, Wiktionary or Wikinews alike, and fairly involved into the Foundation activities, like Amgine or Sabine Cratella. I could add myself to that list as one Wikiquote editor.
And if you - and/or other Wikisource editors - are interested in this sphere - Foundation activities concerning smaller project, "translation & (small projects') promotion subcommittee" will appropriate your interest and expect collaboration with you. If circumstance allows, you would invite to join to it ;-) like just Anthere show a typical course ... if you want to work with someone and he or she does too, then you are getting involved more and more.
On 4/15/06, Anthere Anthere9@yahoo.com wrote:
How does that happen ? Well, perhaps you start writing on this mailing list and I'll notice what you say sounds wise and interesting and willing to build something. And perhaps others will tell me they feel the same. And perhaps we'll exchange a couple of emails on minor issues (such as a checkuser) and I will find you a cool person. Then, perhaps I will go look at your page to see who you are. I will notice something which suggest you could be interested in a certain project, then I'll invite you to join for that task and you will agree. And we'll have fun doing that and do a good work. Repeat that a bunch of times, and that will be it.
It is totally unrelated to the size or the nature of your favorite project :-)
This is really a larger and mor far reaching problem. No one at Wikisource subscribed to this list until someone told us that it had been decided here that our copyright policy was not restrictive enough. That is when a few of the regular editors signed up. I imagine there are a great number of active projects out there running their own little worlds, divested from the Foundation in all but name.
I think I could share your case - I haven't seen here no other regular of Wikiquote than Essjay, but anyway we haven't discussed about Wikiquote at any rate - Generally it is rare to be involved into the Foundation level activities unless some legal problem arises like on French Wikiquote or English Wikisource.
And as Ant suggested, we don't monopolize this problem within us editors of smaller projects, but with editors whose language is very different from English and hence whose activities are rarely shown on English world (no one has been so bold, at least as far as I know, to send a mail directly to the foundation-l and ask someone to translate into other language; it is in my opinion odd from principal because of stated multilingualism of this mailing list, but as a plain fact it could be - even on meta, I have been accused by someone because I hadn't been submitted in "the language many people can read". It is a strange opinion if someone doesn't speak in English, she doesn't respect multilingualism, but such attitude is not unique)
Same gaps are sometimes observed between the largest project and another in the same language. Some of the former tend to think a way fitting to them are good universally - we know it depends. The former are sometimes troublesome, since they don't intentionally harm anyone and in the worst case, they are raged as if they were mistreated. But, even though in pain, someone needs to realize such things don't go as they think not in every time and place, if their way isn't suitable to solve a particular issue. Happily, not so in many times, but as a Wikiquote/Wikinews editor I felt surely Wikipedia editors put their shoes on my toes in some occasions. On the other hand, such unpleasant but apparent kicks have stimulated our relatively still projects. So we could say here, diversity is sweet, and it is what we always need.
Not only big project editors but of smaller ones are therefore strongly invited to join the Foundation activities.
As for checkuser issues, specially vote for giving trust to certain editors, the current procedure is based on Wikipedia community experiences. Now you pointed out it hasn't worked well on Wikisource. Rules can be revised, but to revise it, we need to share our experience with each other. So again, welcome to foundation-l.
All good ideas. But but but, we tried the official liaisons (they were called ambassadors). It failed. Recruitement of people : yes indeed. But this can only happen when we start knowing each other a little bit more. I absolutely agree with you we have a major problem of communication. Actually, this has ALWAYS been the case. Just differently. When I joined, the english wp was on one version of the software and all others on an older version. There was no meta. There was no common mailing list (later, non english were parked on one list). Actually, the miscommunication was SO bad that a language even forked and is still suffering today of that fork. Last year, I tried to work to create Quarto with others interested in communication, such as Sj. It was a place where at least description of projects state could be made. By lack of human help, I gave up. Elian also maintained with Aphaia's help a project-state on meta. I think it is dead now. There are now several wikizines in different languages (plus Walter's global one), I hope they communicate a bit between themselves. But each essentially give news of a specific project. Not cross project
If you have ideas, please, by all means, provide them. Or better, IMPLEMENT them.
Ahm, as for WMF website, naturally focusing on its linguistic uniformity, now we are talking how we can improve it within wmfcc & translation subcomm. I don't promise it will be a near future, but want to say always new ideas and editors are welcome. Note; to improve the WMF site, you needn't log it on. Most of its content have been drafted and translated on Meta.
-- Aphaea@*.wikipedia.org email: Aphaia @ gmail (dot) com