On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 9:22 PM, Andrea Zanni zanni.andrea84@gmail.com wrote:
Why? As a user, you would just need to login and participate, Discourse is like a website. You don't need to install anything. I don't understand your point.
I am speaking as an admin, not as a user :P
In brief, software is not stable. And it's not just that, but the developers don't know their software well enough to offer a sensible installation guide. I wouldn't use such software.
Besides that, if there is no Docker environment (and I don't think so there is a Docker environment in WMF, though my information could be outdated), you have to create a double layer system just to install it according to their specification.
Said so, I am sure there are masochists around, willing to install it :P