Hello all, I'm new to the list, but some of you know me from the .En wiki.
Greetings for the new year -- we're now halfway through the Uh-oh's decade, and it seems to be living up to its name quite well.
Against the event of possible REALLY BIG uh-ohs, I would like to propose a project for permanently archiving certain wikis:
*HowDoesItWorkWiki *SpeciesWiki *(Condensed) Wikipedia
By permanent, I am thinking something that could survive the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", even if it struck worldwide and lasted over 100 years. (I hear the movie lasted nearly that long! :-)
The most effective method proven to last over a millenium is clay tablets inside clay envelopes (Thanks, Enki of Sumeria) but there may be something higher-tech today that would work just as well and be less labor-intensive.
This type of idea is always obvious in retrospect. Shall we think ahead?