licenses -- data, overviews, and reference-style knowledge should all
Would you please explain what do you mean as "reference-style knowledge"?
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Samuel wrote:
When I say "world of WP" I mean "world post-WP" -- the world we live in, in which certain businesses are failing now that basic reliable information and data are available freely...
It would be healthy to see compatibly-licensed projects that use different sets of core principles; not just wikinfo (for instance) but also POV specialist reference works. There is an audience for that, and they should also be encouraged to contribute to free knowledge. And if someone can find a way to keep professional encyclopedists from dying out as a breed, that would be good. I don't want to see other reference works go out of business; I do want to see them adopt free licenses -- data, overviews, and reference-style knowledge should all be free.
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Kul Takanao wrote:
- experienced professional reference-work writers (and we should help them find ways to sustain themselves, particularly in niche markets -- one way is by distributing the underlying work needed to find and organize data). there is room in the world-of-WP for effective, sustainable POV and specialist works
SJ - Just curious...where in WP do you think POV and specialist works could fit?
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