Hoi, When a Wikisoure is considered for an extinct language, I do want to waive the requirement for the localisation of the system messages. This cannot be done without the creation of neologisms. Thanks, GerardM
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Birgitte SB birgitte_sb@yahoo.com wrote:
I personally don't know that there should be completely rigid rules on this, but I have some thoughts on Wikisources.
Most texts in extinct language can be hosted in a derivative language Wikisource or on the multi-lingual WS. When "creating a Wikisource in an extint language" is discussed; it really means "creating system messages in an extinct language". The texts are static and will not change based on the language used for navigation where they are hosted. In case anyone is unaware; en.WS has Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, and Scots texts.
Birgitte SB
--- Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
Hoi, You attempt to answer a question that is not asked. The question is about Wikis not about Wikipedia. Thanks, GerardM
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Claus Färber GMANE@faerber.muc.de wrote:
Nathan schrieb:
If the purpose of a Wikipedia or wiki in general
is to communicate
information... then creating a wiki to serve a
small group of people
who are already fluent in other major languages
does not serve the
purpose. I wouldn't object to a wiki of a type
"Wikilang" if the idea
is only to save the crucial and various aspects
of the language
itself for historical purposes in a way not
conducive to a Wikipedia
article, but a full Wikipedia or other project
seems unnecessary.
I think that depends on the project. A Wikipedia
needs more people that
actively support it (i.e. write articles) than a
Wikinews project, which
needs more people than a Wikisource project.
IMO, it does not make sense to create projects in
languages that have
too few speakers to make it viable. If a language
has only 10000
speakers (native or second-language), there's no
way they can produce a
full encyclopaedia in that language. However, it
only takes a
few enthusiastic individuals to create a Wikinews
project. A Wikisource
project would only need a single person who
archives free texts.
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