Dear Garfield
It has been a real pleasure to work with you and I wish you every success in your new venture. I'd like to thank you not only for your personal support, but the advice and support you have provided to Wikimedia UK both during the two years I have been involved, and for several years before that.
All the very best
Michael Chair, Wikimedia UK
Garfield Byrd wrote:
For the last four years, I’ve led the Wikimedia Foundation’s finance, administration, and office IT teams. I've had the opportunity to work closely with many of you through collaboration with the Wikimedia affiliates. They have been remarkable experiences, and I am grateful for all I’ve learned from you during my time here. Therefore it is with some sadness that today I am letting you know that I’ve decided to take a new opportunity outside the WMF, at a California-based foundation focused on public education.
It has been a privilege to work with so many exceptional people over the years. I’ve watched the WMF mature and take on many new challenges, and our community grow and diversify. Our commitment to our free knowledge mission is as strong as ever, and now shared by even more people. While I’ll no longer be on staff, I plan to find ways to stay involved in the Wikimedia community. I look forward to seeing the movement continue to do its important work.
My last day will be September 30. I look forward to staying in touch and continuing to support our mission.