Sabine Cretella wrote:
I don't understand you very well here. Many language (mostly European)are having nation marks (English, French, German, Russian, Albanina, Greek, Italian, ....)
You forgot that German is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy all three happily living together on one wiki - and of course: there are some differences among these four versions of German, but nevertheless they are ONE language. French is spoken in France, Canada, Switzerland etc. and they work on one Wikipedia. Dutch is spoken in the Netherlands, Belgium and France and they work on one Wikipedia. Italian is spoken in Italy and Switzerland and they work on one Wikipedia. English is spoken in Great Britain, USA, Australia, New Zealand etc. and they all work on one Wikipedia.
That is very specific case, As in Switzerland live Italians, Germans and Franks. In Montenegrin case in Montenegro lives 45% Montenegrin s, 35% Serbs, Albanians, Bosnnjaks,... On other cases those countries was colonies of mayor European empires.
Of course there are slight differences in the usage of certain terminology, in writing etc., but they all happily work together. There is the possibility, even now, to handle more than one language on a Wiki and the smaller the communities of a certain language or variation or dialect the more sense it makes to co-operate in one wiki for the simple fact that the project has a better chance to survive - anyway the day is not all too far that it will become even easier to hav various scripts and dialects live on one wiki.
A Wiki project is about co-operation and not separation. You want to be different: well, then show it and co-operate instead of allowing for political separation. We all have one thing in common: we are human beings and as such we have something called intelligence that distinguishes us from other living forms ans as such we have the power to decide ... the wiki way is co-operation and trying to understand each other and not separation.
Sabine, When I come here my idea was to collaborate and cooperate with others. If that was not the case we could make our own wikipedia. But that is not the case. I agree with you about humans but I will add: Human also have stereotypes, mis understanding, limited knowledge about specific topics and dont judge always the same in same cases.
Thank you for joining discussion, Darko Bulatovic