Hiding interlanguage links will worse the effect of Google search on some small language projects.
See this previous thread: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2010-January/056671.html
Present situation isn’t much better because intrelanguage links are at the end of a long list of things on the left side of the screen. It is not clear what they do, users only see a list of language names.
From my point of view the “ideal” situation would be:
1) Hide the interlanguage links.
2) Guess if the user is multilingual and then highlight links to their languages. Saying clearly: You also can read this article in xxx and yyy language.
There are several ways to guest the user languages: 1) Using IP address 2) History about previously visited language projects from same user or same IP 3) Allowing several languages in user preferences 4) Using http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_negotiation …
But if we can’t go to the “ideal “situation I think that for small language projects it is better left things as they are than hiding interlanguage links.