Cmon, keep your whining prudishness for another thread. Sheesh.
On 7/31/09, stevertigo wrote:
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Walter wrote:
An other way would be that Wikimedia is funded by some international body, like UNESCO. The WMF budget for 2009-2010 is 9,4 million US dollar. That is not a lot on a global scale. I find it very normal that institutions are government funded. Probably because from where I am from, Belgium, that is the way it is. But I know that is not so everywhere. In some places the musea, schools, Churches, hospitals and so need to receive donations to function. So that approach would also not be acceptable for some because the have some problem with using public funds for public services.
Interesting points. And yes, accepting government or institutional money would probably come with conditions like improving overall article quality, and maybe even getting rid of our "fetish" and other destructive-sexuality / pro-depravity articles and images - something our great many pro-"freedom" dogmatists just don't want to do.
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