The problem is based on size. Germany has an area of around 138,000 square miles, and has around 82 million people. California alone has 163,000 or so square miles of area, bigger than Germany, but only around 32 million people, meaning it has a much larger area for far fewer people.
And that's just one state out of 50. There are significant cultural differences between Louisiana and New Jersey, for instance. A US national chapter is not necessarily able to adequately represent that. Not to mention, the individual states in the US are so large and autonomous they act almost at the same level as other countries throughout the world.
-Dan On May 1, 2008, at 1:45 PM, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
Well, some people are talking about US chapterS, but shouldn't there be only one chapter per country? Otherwise, other chapters could get the idea to split up and have e.g. 16 chapters in Germany. Especially when chapters will have the right to vote for Board members, one will have to be strict about that. Ziko
2008/5/1 Mike Godwin
Birgitte writes:
The US sub-national issue is not about power but logistics. One national chapter will never self-organize in the US. All the incentives to do so (tax-deductabilty, legal support, press contacts) have been "stolen" by the WMF.
So far as I know, there is no legal prohibition or hurdle that prevents either a national chapter or a subnational chapter from forming in the United States. Such a chapter certainly could organize itself as a nonprofit, seek tax-deductible status, and so on.
I do wish you hadn't used the word "stolen," even if you mean for it to be a metaphor.
I agree that there are geographic hurdles with regard to a U.S. national chapter, but would stop short of predicting that a national chapter will "never self-organize." Over the course of my career, I've frequently been surprised at the willingness of large geographic groups to self-organize.
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-- Ziko van Dijk NL-Silvolde
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