Official site:
The* International Wiki Scientific Conference 2019 *will be held on *March
11, 12 and 13, 2019 *in Porto (Portugal) and will take place at the Faculty
of Arts of the University of Porto.
*FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (PT)*
*Wiki Educação Brasil (BR)*
*PPGCI - Universidade Federal Fluminense (RJ-BR)*
In 2018, after the European Year of Cultural Heritage was celebrated by the
first time and by the initiative of the European Union, the *IWSC 2019*
promotes *Heritage*, both material and intangible, to draw attention to the
presence of Culture and heritage on Wiki platforms and to the contribution
this digital resource/look could have on social and economic development in
Europe and worldwide.
Therefore, works will be considered provided they focus on Wiki culture as
a topic, source or way of spreading scientific knowledge and teaching tool
and, particularly in the scope of heritage. Texts should be written in
English, Spanish or Portuguese and will be assessed by members of the
Scientific Commission.
Submission period starts on the 15 October and ends on the *30 January 2019*.
Authors will be notified whether their works have been accepted by the *10
February 2019*.
*The papers should be submitted in the following thematic groups:*
- Wiki Culture
- Information accreditation on Wikipedia
- Spreading and promoting Science on Wikipedia
- Dissemination and promotion of material and intangible heritage
- Educational Projects on Wiki Platforms
Posters may be presented (up to 3 pages, including references) or articles
(from 8 to 10 pages, including references).
The papers will be published in the digital proceeding of the event. For
this reason, at least one of the authors must register for the event and
perform oral presentation.
In the case of changes requested by the evaluators, the authors have
until *February
20, 2019* to submit their final versions.
*Opening of Call for Papers: *October 15, 2018
*Call for papers closes:* January 30, 2018
Best regards
Rodrigo Padula