next week-end, Wikimedia Spain, with six science museums from five different cities in Spain, organizes an edit-a-thon about Spanish scientists and inventors. This is a collaboration with FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología). The museums who participate are:
*MUNCYT, La Coruña *MUNCYT, Alcobendas (Madrid) *Museo de la Ciencia, Valladolid *Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid *Casa de la Ciencia, Logroño *Casa de la Ciencia, Sevilla
we could involve volunteers for every museum. There wil be different activities and the edit-a-thon will run on Saturday and in some museums also on Sunday.
FECYT freely shared 104 portraits of Spanish scientists on Wikimedia Commons.[3]
There is a coordination page on Spanish Wikipedia [1] and Galician Wikipedia [2]
The hashtag of the event is #WikimaratónCiencia and we invite you to participate on-line and to spread the word. This activity, in five different cities and six different museums the same week-end is a new challenge for us.
[1] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Encuentros/Wikimarat%C3%B3n_Cient%C3... [2] https://gl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikimarat%C3%B3n_Cient%C3%ADfico_201... [3] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_of_scientists_released_by...