Speaking of communications, it would help if I would practice what I preach. Let me reword one problematic sentence: "Perhaps this could be the start of a "Community-WMF Communications office hour that could happen on a quarterly basis." Sorry for the extra email to fix that.
I'm not sure that one hour would be sufficient, or about the frequency of the meetings. Perhaps you and people who help you to plan these meetings could have some conversations about that.
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 5:19 PM, Pine W wiki.pine@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Anna,
Outside of the scope of this thread, I'd be glad to have a conversation about WMF-community communication in general. May I suggest making that a subject for an office hour at some future time? We'll likely need more than a single office hour to untangle all of the threads and make sure that everyone who wants to be heard is heard. A better time for me would be Q4. Perhaps this could be the start of a monthly "Community-WMF Communications office hour" that could happen on a quarterly basis. While I have too many other projects on my plate to also be a coordinator for these office hours, I do think that they could be very helpful if the conversations that they foster are used to implement changes that have significant backing from WMF managers who can actually make changes happen.