Hello guys,
After many weeks of hard work the Wiki Loves Earth Brasil 2014 was ended.
That was my first time organizing this kind of contet and that was the first time that we did an edition of Wiki Loves SOMETHING in Brazil, what generate big challenges!
I learned a lot with that experience and we reach great results, bigger than expected.
So, here I'm publishing some info and links, including the winners of the contest.
- Winners (Best photos and best contributions categories)
* https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2014/Brasil/Ve...
- Statistics
-- Pictures * Photos uploaded: 7060 sendo 6887 elegíveis para o concurso * Participants: 935 * New users registered for the contest: 895 (96% of all participants)
-- Social Networks * Facebook 889 likes ~100K people reached with posts/photos/shares
-- Contest Home Page access * ~220.000 visits https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2014/Brasil
- Media coverage
* http://www.techtudo.com.br/noticias/noticia/2014/05/wikipedia-lanca-concurso... Wikipédia lança concurso de fotografia para ilustrar artigos TechTudo/Globo.com - Publicada em 06/05 * http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/internet/2014/05/concurso-da-wikimedia-pre... Concurso da Wikimedia premiará melhores fotos de patrimônios naturais - Info/Editora Abril - Publicada em 08/05 * http://blogs.estadao.com.br/link/wikimedia-premie-fotos-de-patrimonios-natur... Wikimedia premia fotos livres de patrimônios naturais - Link/Estadão - Publicada em 08/05 * http://www.techtudo.com.br/noticias/noticia/2014/05/wikipedia-revela-premio-... Wikipédia revela prêmio de concurso no Brasil: melhor foto ganha R$ 2,5 mil - TechTudo/Globo.com - Publicada em 13/05 * http://www.revista.espiritolivre.org/concurso-fotografico-wiki-loves-earth-b... Anuncio do Concurso Wiki Loves Earth - Revista Espirito Livre - Publicada em 14/05 * http://www.baguete.com.br/noticias/16/05/2014/concurso-de-fotos-wiki-loves-e... Concurso de foto Wiki Loves Earth - Baguete - Publicada em 16/05 * http://www.fotografemelhor.com.br/grande-angular/concurso-fotografico-wiki-l... Concurso fotográfico Wiki Loves Earth 2014 - Portal da Revista Fotografe Melhor * http://www.revista.espiritolivre.org/concurso-fotografico-wiki-loves-earth-b... Revista Espirito Livre * http://www.techtudo.com.br/noticias/noticia/2014/06/vencedores-do-concurso-d... Vencedores do concurso de fotos do Wikipédia revelam paisagens do Brasil * - Budget
We defined prizes for 2 categories, based on the local legislation the best way was to give it in cash.
Best pictures prizes 1. R$2500,00 2. R$1500,00 3. R$1000,00
Best contributions prizes 1. R$2500,00 2. R$1500,00 3. R$1000,00 Total: R$10.000
Exhibition 1. R$13.000 Total: R$13.000
- Tools and contributions
WLE Communication Bot ( communication bot developed by Jonas ) Source code: https://github.com/jonasagx/wleBot
WLE Statistics ( statistics tool developed by Danilo) Tool: http://tools.wmflabs.org/ptwikis/WLE Source Code: https://bitbucket.org/danilomac/ptwikis/src
WLE Collaborative Filtering Tool (developed by Danilo to help us filtering the huge amount of pictures received to send to the jury for the final evalution) Tool: http://tools.wmflabs.org/images/?campaign=wle-br
WLE Best contribution index ( tool developed by Henrique Andrade) http://tools.wmflabs.org/ptwikis/WLE_Melhores_Contribui%C3%A7%C3%B5es
- Exhibition To exhibit the best WLE Brasil photos , we negotiated a partnership with a local Photo Studio to organize our first photographic exhibition during the international photography event "Paraty em Foco", which will be held in September 2014 in the historic city of Paraty - Rio de Janeiro (more information on http:// paratyemfoco.com )
- Publication of the final results and winners The contest results were announced by national media, wikimedia mail lists and it will be published through the printed/digital magazine Fotografe Melhor(Photo magazine with the largest circulation and importance in Brazil) in the August edition with distribution in all Brazilian states (50,000 copies monthly) and shipped to some other countries.
I would like to thank the Brazilian community members who contributed to the contest and a special thanks to our friends from Wikimedia Ukraine that provided all the necessary support for the successful organization of the local contest.
Best regards
Rodrigo Padula Wiki Loves Earth Brasil - Coordinator Education Program Coordinator - Brazil Ação Educativa