Picking up on the mention of Suzie Nussel in the January 2016 minutes,[3] I could find no other WMF published information apart from the minutes and the recently released powerpoint that /probably/ supported the presentation.[1] It's possible I missed some emails about Suzie's appointment.
Presumably the strategy consultation supporting the WMF was an open bid process and Suzie is the only consultant delivering on it. In the spirit of openness, can the specification for the work (or open invitation to tender) that supported the formal WMF contract review be published please? It would be reassuring to understand the pre-defined outcomes, and how large a piece of consultancy this is intended to be.
I cannot find a website for the 'Nussel Consulting Group', could someone kindly provide a link? My assumption is that the Group has one employee and is unrelated to the Nussel Group owned by the politician Jim Nussle, apart from a coincidence of surnames.[2]
For transparency, I note that both Suzie and I have worked for AOL.
Links: 1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2016_Strategic_Approaches_Report.pdf 2. http://thenusslegroup.com 3. https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Meetings
Thanks, Fae
On 9 March 2016 at 19:20, Stephen LaPorte slaporte@wikimedia.org wrote:
Hi all,
The Board has published the minutes and resolutions from the Board of Trustees meetings in December and January 2016. You can find the Board's minutes on the Foundation Wiki: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Meetings