Nevertheless, I still believe that any functioning body as our Board has to have the right to expel a person, whom they feel like not being able to work with.
If a majority of my fellow Board members cannot stand me for whatever reason (including the ones I'd find absurd), that's pretty much it. The Board has to be able to function with trust, delegation, and a certain rapport.
...Also, I think it would be fair to always give written reasons to removed members (also to discipline the reasoning of the Board that makes such a drastic decision).
I think it would be helpful if expectations of Board members and processes to follow if they aren't being met were laid out more clearly.
The WMF doesn't seem to document this much. Compare for instance Wikimedia UK's Trustee Code of Conduct:
Something like that would be a useful structure on which to base future conversations and decisions of that nature.
I agree with Dariusz that James's suggestion of formally engaging the community in making these decisions probably wont' work. In my experience the community is very aware of some issues and completely unaware of some others. If it is the latter then it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation - particularly as some of the issues (e.g. staff matters) may be confidential....