On 2 October 2010 07:58, Peter Damian peter.damian@btinternet.com wrote:
From: "David Gerard" dgerard@gmail.com
http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000... With some fields going to this effort and not others, ultimately it's up to the specialists in the fields themselves to bother. So what do the biologists have that the philosophers - or other fields that are ill-represented in Wikipedia - lack?
So here am I looking for systematic reasons why philosophy, and humanities in general are under-represented in Wikipedia and you are saying that it is because philosophers - and by implication specialists in humanities - don't bother? Interesting. I once got puzzled why certain plants wouldn't grow in my garden. I got frustrated and thought perhaps the plants weren't bothering. Then I found that because my garden is north facing and has acid soil, the plants that like sunlight and don't like acid soil, weren't flourishing.
That's wonderfully poetic and doesn't answer the question I asked: *what* about the approach in this paper wouldn't work for philosophy, in your opinion? Please be specific.
- d.