Thanks for starting this, Itzik!
I agree that a much more transparent and broader view of the resources which go into Wikimania each year. I have a feeling we'll all be in for a bit of a surprise.
Those of us involved with Wikimania from the WMF side are all onboard to contribute. Garfield and Asaf are both actually en route to meet with next year's organizing team, so we might be a bit delayed in hearing from them, but Tony (WMF Controller aka finance guru) said he'll be happy to gather all the information. Should have 2012 numbers over the next few weeks (I can hopefully put up some estimates earlier than that).
I'll add that timeline to the talk page as well.
Thanks again for spearheading the effort - Jessie
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Itzik Edri wrote:
Jessie started to work on a page that shown breakdown of the scholarships given in 2012, by the WMF and the chapters - and the cost.
I think it's great, but we need to share much more information about "how much Wikimania cost to the movement".
Wikimania is our biggest and most expensive event\project - and the costs spread around movement. Beside scholarships, the chapters and the WMF spending money on their staff and boards - and this also need to be transparent. When we know Wikimedia Israel gave 4 scholarships for people from Israel, the WMF gave another two - this is not the full picture. WMIL also sent paid for the travel of one board member. In some others chapters the numbers are much bigger (staff+board).
Also, we have WMF and Chapters support to the conference itself.
I published here Wikimania 2011 costs & income:
I'm not asking everyone now to start digging for their costs in 2011, but I think we can start do it from this year.
I posted here WMIL travel costs:
I'll be happy if the chapters and the WMF can post their costs also and I'm encouraging Wikimania 2012 local team also to post their conference costs and incomes.
I think this transparency is important, and this knowledge about the total costs to the movement is also important to others who planning Wikimania in the future.
Itzik WMIL
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