H wrote:
Beta wikiversity is a hub for multiligual cooperation and the incubator is just part of it. The proposed multilingual wikibooks is for hosting books which cannot find home comfortably in any language edition.
It is fitting to have, for example, the link from a page in cs:Wikiversity to Beta:Wikiversity sitting on the left column together with other inter-lingual links - compare:
http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_rok_astronomie and http://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/International_Year_of_Astronomy
Oldwikisource has a similar function. There is no double work since it frees Incubator to work with those projects that don't have such a broader interproject site.
2009/1/19 Gerard Meijssen:
Hoi, Both the multilingual Wikibooks and Wikiversity exist as a kind of Incubator. Given that the aim is to create the single language editions, it means a lot of double work.