On Dec 12, 2007 7:37 PM, John at Darkstar vacuum@jeb.no wrote:
From http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:License_update
The Foundation requests that the GNU Free Documentation License be modified in the fashion proposed by the FSF to allow migration by mass collaborative projects to the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license;
Requsts? Is this the actual situation? If so, Foundation dictates the exact wording of GFDL and this is somewhat not what I believed was possible.
It's just a request. We can request all sorts of things, and if the FSF wanted they could laugh in our face and say "hell no". The more important part of the resolution is the statement that the WMF, the FSF, and CC have been discussing this issue together, so we can all assume that this particular request was not made without the proper consideration from all parties.
--Andrew Whitworth