Erik Moeller (Eloquence) wrote in part:
I find it difficult to believe that we would generate a lot of interest with an announcement that we have now a shared media repository, but that it isn't possible to use images from there anywhere without re-uploading them, that there is no improved upload form, no transparent inclusion of images, etc.
I haven't been involved in planning Wikicommons (your version or Andre's), but I for one would make use of even Andre's substandard first version. I would upload all of the images that I've used onto the Commons, and I would check the Commons for future images that I may be looking for. (Then if I find one, I'll copy it to whichever wiki I want to use it in.)
Having a central repository for images means that I don't have to search all of the individual wikis -- which I would never bother to do anyway. People just need to upload their images twice -- once to the Commons and once to whatever wiki they got the image for in the first place. Most people won't do that -- too bad, but I'm not worse off than before. Some people /will/ do that (like me, and like Andre presumably) -- then I'm in much better shape!
On the other hand, when we launch the Commons in one fell swoop, with all the changes - the brandnew upload form, the single login, the transparent inclusion if images, perhaps a "Move to commons" button on image pages - that will certainly generate a lot of interest in "What's going on over there?" and thanks to single sign-on, people can try it out immediately without having to set up yet another account.
This will be fantastic. I completely understand if setting up a Commons now takes away from development that you'd rather spend on the superior design. After all, if the developers are busy, then Andre can't demand anything! ^_^ OTOH, if the inferior Commons is ready now, then I will use it if it appears, while anticipating the superior upgrade with relish.
I don't know what the situation is from the developers' point of view. But this is how one Wikipedia editor would react to a WikiCommons.
-- Toby