this is called "narrowing focus" by WMF, you see.
But you wanted a comment on the FDC. The only thing I can say is: To base such a decision on things like "the FDC feels" and "to appear" and "it is likely" (all quotes from their text within a single paragraph) makes me think that they get very poor information and instead of trying to get it richer (for example by talking to *all* relevant people), they make a very poor decision out of it.
2014-11-23 8:27 GMT+01:00 Gerard Meijssen
Hoi, I am really surprised how little attention this is getting.
I have a few questions, observations. When I read the arguments for cutting the request of the German chapter, I get the impression that the Germans are punished. I also find no considerations to the consequences of NOT providing the requested funding. There are many people employed by the German chapter, are they to be dismissed or is there to be less money for activities? When I read about the Dutch request, they are praised for being prudent and careful planners but they are punished for not being actively involved in fundraising.
The WIkimedia Foundation deliberately excluded the chapters from the fundraising efforts. Enough comments have been made about this recently; it is obvious to many that the WMF seems not to care too much about what funds are raised outside the USA. There is also no relation between fundraising in a country and activities in a country. I am annoyed that the WMF is so two faced in this.
The process of handing out gifts makes beggars of the chapters. They have to comply with the vagaries of what committee members think at a given time. The process of handing out is very much solidified in time and from the impression I get this is true for the chapters but not for the WMF itself. When it finds a need to do whatever, it can. When a chapter finds the same need it cannot.
In my opinion by making chapters second class citizens, the WMF will remain USA and English centred. That does not help our goal of "sharing in the sum of all available knowledge". Thanks, GerardM
PS there are more chapters where I am not happy about the granting of gifts either.
On 21 November 2014 at 17:34, Dariusz Jemielniak wrote:
Greetings, friends,
As you all know, the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) meets twice a
to help make decisions about how to effectively allocate movement funds
achieve the Wikimedia movement's mission, vision, and strategy. [1] We recently met in San Francisco to deliberate on the 11 annual plan grant proposals submitted for this round of review. [2] We thank these organizations for their hard work on their annual plans and proposals.
The FDC has now posted our Round 1 2014-2015 recommendations on the
plan grants to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees: . [3]
With the support of the FDC’s two Board Representatives (Bishakha Datta
Frieda Brioschi), the WMF Board will review the recommendations and then make their decision on them by 1 January 2015.
This round, proposals came from ten chapters and one thematic
totaling requests of roughly $4.7 million USD. Before our face-to-face deliberations, which were held from 15-18 November, the FDC reviewed the proposals in careful detail, aided by staff assessments and analysis on impact, finances, and programs, as well as community comments on the proposals. Our conversations were intense and the decisions were not
each proposal was carefully considered both in its own context and environment, and strengths and concerned were discussed. We are recommending grants totaling roughly $3.8 million USD.
Now that the recommendations have been published, there is a formal
to submit complaints or appeals to the Board. Here are the steps for
Any organization that would like to submit an appeal on the FDC’s Round 1 recommendation should submit it to the Board representatives to the FDC by 23:59 UTC on 8 December 2014 in accordance with the appeal process outlined in the FDC Framework. A formal appeal to challenge the FDC’s recommendation should be in the form of a 500-or-fewer word summary directed to the two non-voting WMF Board representatives to the FDC (Frieda Brioschi and Bishakha Datta). The appeal should be submitted on-wiki, [4] and must be submitted by the Board Chair of a funding-seeking applicant. The Board
publish its decision on this and all recommendations by 1 Jan 2015.
Complaints to the ombudsperson about the FDC process can be filed by
with the Ombudsperson and can be made any time. The complaint should be submitted on wiki, as well. [5] The ombudsperson will publicly document
complaint, and investigate as needed.
Please have a look at the calendar [6] to see other upcoming milestones
the annual plan grants / FDC process.
Again, we offer our sincere thanks to the 11 organizations who submitted annual plan grant proposals to the FDC.
On behalf of the FDC,
Dariusz Jemielniak ("pundit", FDC Chair)
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