Sj wrote:
On 4/22/05, Anthere wrote:
Gerard Meijssen a écrit:
Delphine Ménard wrote:
I think Aurevilly also said he had some possible connexions there.
Official recognition would be lovely, and fitting. Making and maintaining contact with national UNESCO commissions would also be a useful step.
Hoi, One subject that is covered on many wikipedia's in the World Heritage Fund (also UNESCO). I have been trying for some time to get us a "partner" status with them. I am at the stage that they have acknowledged that I requested this and that they are considering it. I have made a spiel on how well covered the world heritage sites already are..
I am in favour of being a "regognised" party but I think we should try to aim for more than that. :)
As to us not getting the IFAP money, is their a motivation? I would like to learn from it.
Probably the number of requests... :-)
Or the fact that the submitted proposal did not claim to address any of the three "main priorities" of this rfp. The reviewers may not have bothered to read the rest.
Hoi, I disagree that the "main priorities" were not addressed. I do not want to speculate so I am interested in KNOWING the motivation. We cannot answer this question ourselves. Thanks, GerardM