2011/9/15 Maarten Dammers maarten@mdammers.nl:
Hi Strainu,
Op 14-9-2011 21:42, Strainu schreef:
We're using flickr and we have about 200 images there so far. I'm waiting for approval to run my import bot. So far I've made a test run for 7 images.
We have a ready to use bot account with pywikipedia set up. Could you please commit your code to https://fisheye.toolserver.org/browse/erfgoed/erfgoedbot/ ? Would be nice to make a scalable bot of this. You can find last years bot at https://fisheye.toolserver.org/browse/multichill/bot/erfgoed/flickrripper_wl...
If you want to see the coutnries using flickr, just search for "wiki loves monuments" in the flickr groups.
I would prefer it if people add it to https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monum...
I've uploaded the code at the indicated location as flickrripper_strainu.py. The file contains a ripper_config dictionary with the same fields as those in the table on commons. I've tested it against the Romanian group.
Please feel free to review the code as thoroughly as possible, I'm always eager to learn :)
Thanks, Strainu