Kilian Kluge wrote:
There is a problem with the german umlaut ß (all the others, ä, ö and ü, work), the pictures aren't downloaded. I don't have the time to look into that now, so I keep downloading all the others and will try to find a solution tomorrow (and then download the ß-ones).
So if your language has some special characters that are accepted on commons and widely used (unfortunately, the german word for street is Straße ;) ) you should test that first. Once I have a workaround, I'll let you know.
I don't even know how your script can work. You get a list of images (eg. "Foo.jpg Bar.jpg") and then you call wget with that. wget expects urls, not filenames. I suspect your ß problems are related to encodings. You are calling wget without even quoting it (you would also need to escape the quote characters, but that's an improvement). I think you will have problems with &, ' and ". Also, you are executing that in the shell, seems you have a command injection vulnerability. I hope nobody called his file Monument`rm -rf /`.JPG :) Calling wget each time instead is a bit unefficient, I would recommend using wget -i if you can.
Now, here is a little recipe in shell script, assumes a UNIX shell, such as bash (provided with GNU/Linux distributions, cygwin...).
Let's suppose you have a list of urls separated by spaces in komplett.txt. We want it as one url per line, so we do:
sed 's/ /\n/g' komplett.txt > in-lines.txt
We now split the list with one eigth per jury (replace 8 with the number of your juries)
for i in $(seq 1 8); do sed -n "$i~8p" > jury$i.txt; done
That gives us files jury1.txt, jury2.txt... jury8.txt
Move each of them to its own folder:
for i in $(seq 1 8); do mkdir "Files-jury-$i" ; mv jury$i.txt "Files-jury-$i"; done
And for each of them, run
wget -i jury1.txt
(change the number accordingly to the folder)
Move each folder to a different usb drive, you're done.