Can all countries please stop transfering images from Flickr and alike
while the contest is running?
It would be easier to isolate the effect of using other platforms
(besides Commons itself) on the contest... you could resume the transfer
right after the contest is over..?
Nuno Tavares
Wikimedia Portugal
Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que
estamos a fazer.
Participe também:
Em 28-09-2011 20:04, Strainu escreveu:
> 2011/9/27 Maarten Dammers
>> Op 27-9-2011 13:07, Анастасия Львова schreef:
>>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Strainu wrote:
>>>> 2011/9/27 noorse w
>>>>> I think this goes for most countries - sept. 30th is the last day for
>>>>> uploading.
>>>> Yes, but not all countries are targeted by the banners - and Russia
>>>> contest ends oct. 21st.
>>> what makes you think so? we finish 30th
>> All countries finish the 30th. Any files uploaded after that date won't
>> be part of the competition and the {{Wiki Loves Monuments 2011}}
>> template will be removed.
>> Maarten
> I think this needs to be discussed further. I cannot make any
> guarantees that Flick uploads will be finished by Oct 1st.
> Also, we have some 30 files added to our group but already uploaded to
> commons (in September or earlier) that need to be added to the contest
> manually.
> Are we the only ones in this situation?
> Strainu
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