Dear Erina,
I hope you are well. Unfortunately we have had some severe delays with our jury process in Malta this year (due to juror dropouts and a number of other issues), so we are effectively only starting the jury process through Montage now. We will obviously try to accelerate this as much as possible in order to have the final results shortly, however I understand that this will cause a problematic delay for you.
My sincere apologies for this - is there anything I can do to mitigate it?
Best regards, Neville
On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 at 08:04, Erina Mukuta wrote:
Dear national coordinators, jury coordinators, This is to remind you about the upcoming dead line to submit nominees for the international Wiki Loves Monuments competition . So far i have received nominations from the following countries; 1.Morocco 2. UK 3. Croatia 4. India 5. Romania 6. Austria
We're looking forward to your timely submissions
With warm regards,
Erina Mukuta International Jury coordinator
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