Hi there, just like in the previous years, we have been offered a free (as in free beer) full-page advertisement in the Europa Nostra magazine Heritage in Motion (this year's theme being Greece).
The only requirement is that we create & design the advertisement by ourselves, and submit the design file (in JPG, PDF or AI, 23 x 30 cm + 5 mm bleed on all sides) by May 1.
Since the deadline is just a few days away, I would appreciate any help in creating the text of the advertisement; let's use Etherpad for that purpose[1].
Also, if there are any volunteers willing to prepare a draft design (or if you just have any ideas), please speak up :-) You can use the 2011[2] and 2012[3] ads as examples.
== References == * [1] http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/WLM-2013-advertisement * [2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikilovesmonuments-europanostra-ad.pdf * [3] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WLM_Europa_Nostra_advertisement_2012.pdf
-- Tomasz