2011/9/2 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
Users reported a couple of problems with the upload form:
- It seems the custom field has no label in English. It seems I
forgot to add a "Page name with text for the ID field label. $1 is replaced with the language code:". Can someone change that to some page I can edit myself (i.e. not in the MediaWiki namespace)?
This has been resolved, thanks to Lodewijk.
- The second problem is that the files is too short for the longest
monument ID we have. It seems we need 20 characters in the field. I CC'd NeilK (please keep him in the loop) and I will submit a bug, but if anyone knows a quick fix, please feel free to share :)
I've logged bug 30696. It seems we're not the only ones in that situation, so if any other country has this problem, please add a comment to this bug.
Thanks, Strainu