El 21/08/12 21:00, Maarten Dammers escribió:
To focus on the filename
Op 21-8-2012 19:58, Brion Vibber schreef:
The final filename should be whatever we provide to MediaWiki's upload API; I can't think how it would come from Cordova. It looks like it's being added by MediaWiki, actually -- we're sending a filename without an extension.
08-21 10:56:30.784: D/FileTransfer(9443): fileName: Second and Howard Streets District (taken on 21Aug2012 10hrs56mins22secs)
Perhaps adding a '.jpg' extension would eliminate the auto-added one?
The filename should be clear and unique. Some things you can hash into the filename:
- Name
- Username
- Date
- Monument id
- Timestamp taken
You want to trim name if it exceeds a certain length. Inluding the id and the username makes sure that you'll only collide with yourself. Timestamp in iso format is probably a bit cleaner (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm).
ISO format does seem clear. Date gives much uniqueness, but pollutes the filename. I'd prefer if when uploading the filename, we could suggest a pattern and mediawiki gave us a unique alternative filename if needed.
For instance sending: action=upload&filename=St._Andrew's_Church.jpg&filenamepattern=St. %20Andrew's%20Church_-_%25d.jpg&comment=...
and receiving: {"upload":{"result":"Warning","warnings":{"exists":"St._Andrew's_Church.jpg"},"available": "St._Andrew's_Church-5.jpg, "filekey":...}