On 03/09/12 20:55, Racso wrote:
2012/9/3 André Costa:
I found that writing a comment in the id field label of the upload wizard drastically reduced the number of incorrect id's last year. See e.g. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wlm-se-bbr-id/en So assuming your id's always take a similar format you could just say something like "should be numbers and look like XX-XXX-XXXX"
I'd like to do this to the colombian wizard. Can someone who can edit https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-campaigns-wlm-co-id/e... help me with that? The new text would be "Código del monumento (ver las listas; son 5 dígitos: XX-XXX)".
Note that some people will make up the identifiers. People making a honest mistake in the id lead to errors simple to fix. The most common 'mistake' last year was people providing "XX-XXX - XXXX" instead of "XX-XXX-XXXX" (the way we expected it). Very simple to fix, it was even coded in the bot. OTOH people who made up identifiers led to unfixable entries. I asked some about the list they took the identifier from (hey, maybe they even found a new heritage monuments list?). No answer, of course.
This year I used in the examples a fake id made up from consecutive digits, but also ensuring there was no monument with that id assigned, to easily spot fraudsters. Well, or simply dumb people :P http://www.socialsecurity.gov/history/ssn/misused.html
Racso, if you don't have such id, I'd use instead "(ver las listas, por ejemplo: 12-345)". You provide the id format with an example, and people just wanting to bypass the form get an identifier to pass it (which we can automately disqualify).