Lily, 09/10/2017 01:37:
- Our friends at Flickr worked hard to communicate with those who
uploaded the photos that the licenses of the photos should match certain license requirements. It is not clear to us at this point why more photographers didn't decide to switch their licenses. There can be many reasons for this and we want to learn more about them. (We are looking forward to work with the Flickr team to collect some information about this.)
It's a remarkable development to have Flickr itself communicate directly with Flickr users about free licenses. Once they are comfortable with the method, we could use some more communication of this kind, e.g. to users who selected unfree licenses or authors of photos automatically determined to be about some subject without a photo on Commons.
Wikimedia users have cooperated a lot with Flickr users and we have some model letters: * *
Notice how the Italian language letter (which I often use) contains a link to Yahoo Answer, where we posted a tutorial on how to find the relevant buttons etc.: we could not find one on Flickr itself. Licenses on indidual photos are very well hidden since the 2013 redesign: . So it will be nice to see if Flickr staff encounters the same issues we had and figures out how to solve them (possibly in a way we have not even anticipated).