W dniu 10 grudnia 2011 17:56 użytkownik Tomasz Kozłowski odder.wiki@gmail.com napisał:
Dear All!
An obvious idea was to find an on-line tool that deals with task management: unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a free (as in a beer, not necessarily as in freedom) tool that would suits our needs.
Our requirements for the tool (except those obvious ones) are as follows: * it has to be free (US$0); * it has to be able to set dependencies; * it should allow the users to use their own accounts; * it should allow the users to set&change a task owner; * it should be as accessible (mobile versions) as possible. * it has to be in English :-))
Redmine is prety good. We use it in Coalition for Open Education.
Its under GNU GPL. It fulfills all your requirement maybe except mobile version.