You retain copyright but grant them a pretty wide license for the next five years:
Last year was claimed as 80,000 people contributing 225,000 images, so they are technically larger in terms of participants if not of results.
On 4 September 2013 09:19, Federico Leva (Nemo) wrote:
Does someone know this challenge? I saw it quite prominently advertised on Metro this Monday. «The Metro Photo Challenge, the world’s biggest photography competition, officially launched on Tuesday», «2013 will mark the seventh Metro Photo Challenge [...] we’re going to ask you to capture more of a process than a thing [...] sensing the world around you». <**news/2013/09/02/what-inspires-** your-senses-enter-the-2013-**metro-photo-challenge/
http://metrophotochallenge.**com/ Are they the previous holders of the Guinness world record ("forgetting" to update their claims) or are they just making it up? I didn't actually try to register but I can't find any information on licensing; interesting that they felt compelled to add a "we'll donate to a charity" incentive. They have 5200 photos and and 2700 uploaders so far.
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