Maarten Dammers, 14/07/19 16:52:> All sorts of cross links exist and we should be able to add quite a few
missing links.
I can't wait to see the missing links. :)
Looks to me that is under a free license ( give cc-by 4.0 international at the bottom) and I don't see it at the report. I guess this one is good to go to add to ?
It's definitely an interesting dataset to federate with, for instance the "soil consumption" dataset was heavily used on some Italian Wikipedia articles.
It probably produced items like ? Based on the link quite a bit more info could be added.
Hm this might be one of the few cases where the basic matches (such as municipality) have failed. A more typical item is
Maybe this (linked open data and Wiki Loves Monuments) is something fun to work on during the pre-conference of Wikimania. We should probably get some of the missing SPARQL endpoints whitelisted before so we won't be slowed down by that.
I'll probably be there!