Hi Ciell,
From what I understand from the update last year, the code which updates the categories to the upcoming competition is a very simple push, and doesn't involve anything big being done to the core set up of the site.
I've been trying to get an update on this for 2 months, and would be forever indebted if anyone could manage to update it - Ireland has no back up plan to run WLM as we've exclusively used Monumental since 2017. It would mean we can't run the competition in September at this stage.
Kind regards, Rebecca
On Tue 23 Aug 2022, 10:21 Ciell Wikipedia, ciell.wikipedia@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Rebecca and Sara,
First: thank you for calling our attention to this. I understand from others in the wlm-i team that the developer who created the biggest chunk of Monumental is largely inactive nowadays, which is why tickets are not being processed in a timely manner. While I try to reach someone else who has the time and knowledge to work on this on such short notice, I cannot guarantee this will succeed.
Best, Ciell
Op di 23 aug. 2022 om 10:25 schreef Sara Thomas < sara.thomas@wikimedia.org.uk>:
I’d also really like to know this (Scotland / UK)
Best, Sara
On Friday, 19 August 2022, Rebecca O'Neill rebeccanineil@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
Does anyone know if Monumental https://maps.wikilovesmonuments.org/ is due to be updated for Wiki Loves Monuments2022? We rely on it in Ireland, and I haven't had any reply to the ticket I raised about it on Github.
Thanks! Rebecca
-- Project Coordinator Wikimedia Community Ireland http://wikimedia.ie/: wikimediaireland@gmail.com PhD in Digital Media Executive committee member of Women in Technology and Science https://witsireland.com/ Secretary of the National Committee for Commemorative Plaques in Science and Technology http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/life-society/science-technology/irish-scientists/ Co-host of *The World According to Wikipedia https://headstuffpodcasts.com/show/the-world-according-to-wikipedia* podcast She/Her
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