Shaihulud and me investigated the recent load balancing weirdness a bit and came across some slow ping times to machines on the secondary switch. Two averages of 250 pings from suda, run at the same time:
maurus: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.138/2.063/25.486/4.660 ms coronelli: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.125/0.328/2.023/0.213 ms
More samples between various hosts also showed that the really slow ping times only occur between machines on the first switch and the newer ones on the secondary one (all hanging on a single port on the primary switch).
The load balancing is based on icp response times, so a network congestion can temporarily override it. I'm not sure if the GigE switch is already ordered, if not i'd recommend to order it as soon as possible.
On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 21:49 +0200, Gabriel Wicke wrote:
Shaihulud and me investigated the recent load balancing weirdness a bit and came across some slow ping times to machines on the secondary switch. Two averages of 250 pings from suda, run at the same time:
^^^^^^^^^^ s/suda/zwinger/g