On [[wikt:nl:Egypte]] I have two things that I would like your comments for.
* Under the header for pronounciation, it says on a line: * Geluid: Egypte When pressing the template for sound ( {{-sound-}}translates to Geluid ), you get a sound.howto When pressing on Egypte, the process of letting you hear Egypte will start (media) *Under the header for Translations, there are three lines for Portugese; * Indicating Portugese One line with Brazilian Portugese and the word One line with Portugese Portugese and the word
With the first thing I think I give ample attention to the potential problems with sound. When there is a SAMPA transliteration, it would be on a seperate line and the SAMPA would get you to something about SAMPA,
With the second thing I think I have a proper way of presenting alternate standard translations within one language. the templates used are {{pr br}} and {{pt pt}}
Thanks, GerardM