On Die, 2002-12-03 at 17:07, Jonathan Walther wrote:
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 04:53:07PM +0100, Erik Moeller wrote:
What's the point? The TeX can be directly edited, it doesn't need its own namespace or to be stored in an image namespace => waste of space and user confusion.
I notice that a TeX namespace is nicely supported in Clutches new scheme; the actual TeX would go in the comment field, and the PNG generated from it would go into the data field. It would be like a special kind of image.
I personally am in favor of a [[tex:]] namespace.
Again, what's the point? Users don't want to create separate TeX pages, they want to use TeX as part of their regular articles. So they want to write, as Tomasz' scheme allows them to, stuff like
<math> \pi * 4 / 2 </math>
They don't want to do
[[TeX:My formula]]
then create the TeX page, then go back to the page and continue writing. So should the <math> .. </math> pair transparently create a new page? That sounds like an awful idea.
If you want an application where namespaces would be useful, take a look at the poll scheme described here: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3ADecision_Making_Process
Tomasz' TeX scheme is already quite well thought out. It only needs some tweaks to be useful IMHO.