Alex Brollo wrote:
2010/7/30 Platonides
We have a couple of options: {$edit}{$printable} which do in fact the same (remove the sections edit links), so they could be merged. Additionally, the non-editsection version can be retrieved from the editsectioned one with a preg_replace. So yes, I think it can be simplified without even affecting the poor CSSless users.
Perhaps you're telling the same I'm going to suggest,... My idea is, to have online a static version, very fast too of any page, that could be the default version for unlogged users; very similar to the CD static version of wiki projects, only adding some trick to switch to the normal, editable, complete, customable (but slow) version. Obviusly this version would have only one version of any page, with no need to parse it again according to user preferences.
Don't matter if such an idea is completely fool, I'm far form an expert!
That's pretty much the purpose of the caching servers.