As far as I understand, l18n of works over "MediaWiki namespace".
I have 3 questions:
1. How to translate incoming 8-bit URLs: should be used windows-1254 or ISO- 8859-9.
2. How to localize a calendar in Wiki (for {{CURRENT_MONTH}} and other) 'sunday' => "Yäkşämbe", 'monday' => "Düşämbe", 'tuesday' => "Sişämbe", 'wednesday' => "Çärşämbe", 'thursday' => "Pänceşämbe", 'friday' => "Comğa", 'saturday' => "Şimbä", 'january' => "Ğínwar", 'february' => "Febräl", 'march' => "Mart", 'april' => "Äpril", 'may_long' => "May", 'june' => "Yün", 'july' => "Yül", 'august' => "August", 'september' => "Sentäber", 'october' => "Öktäber", 'november' => "Nöyäber", 'december' => "Dekäber", 'jan' => "Ğín", 'feb' => "Feb", 'mar' => "Mar", 'apr' => "Äpr", 'may' => "May", 'jun' => "Yün", 'jul' => "Yül", 'aug' => "Aug", 'sep' => "Sen", 'oct' => "Ökt", 'nov' => "Nöy", 'dec' => "Dek",
3. how to fix $wikiUpperChars and $wikiLowerChars in LanguageUtf8.php special for tt:, tr:, and az: Upper cased "i" should be &# x130; Lower cased "I" should be &# x131;