Pywikipediabot has a mailing list. If you're hacking up yet another wikipedia bot framework, you probably should avoid duplicating effort...
Brion: A request for a list like this has been made before (although I couldn't find the specific thread when I searched), your comments reflects that you don't quite understand why people want such a list.
* It would NOT be a development list, you could go to a development list like pywikipediabot-users or anura-dev for that. * It would not be a list where people discuss a particular bot program, the list you suggested is offtopic for anything but pywikipediabot.
Rather it would be: * An announcement list for pywikipedia-warnfiles (which is offtopic at pywikipediabot-users since it's a development list) * A discussion of any other *wikimedia-related* bot issues, which are offtopic at pywikipediabot-users since that list is intended for general development of a python interface to MediaWiki installations.