Pavol Cupka schrieb:
I would like to suggest making a mailing list for users running robots. Would this be possible? Something like wikibots-l or similar.
I strongly second this request. I only know the situation on de.wikipedia, but I do hope such a list would help with the following points * there are several people running the same bots (on the same wiki), but that's not always coordinated * It's easier to discuss needed future bot functionality on a mailing list than on Wiki pages. * bot development in one WikiMedia project is often unknown in other wiki/other language projects * bot software might play a role in future attacks against Wikipedia as well as in defending against attacks, so some central place for coordination might be a good preparation for such a future
And a very personal opinion: I'd really like a central place to also discuss ethical and moral aspects of bot usage on the projects.
Ciao, Michael.