This week's bug triage was the first one held by IRC in an effort to be more open to community involvement. On that basis, it was successful: User:Bawolff stepped up to the plate to take on a couple of bugs and User:Leinad stepped in to ask us to consider solving Bug #29170.
In preparation for 1.18, I had taken all of the bugs marked with “High” priority and made them blockers on the 1.18 Deployment Bug ( or on the 1.18 Tarball Bug (
So the first thing we did was look at this list of blocker bugs and make sure they all should be blockers. This process revealed a problem with my method of turning “High” priority bugs into blockers for release.
For example, I didn't examine some bugs closely enough. The following two are a good example of this: Make image views statistics available through Wikistats Set up notification for when/if Google's safe browsing spots something on wiki
Others that we found and removed from being blockers were Search should index template expansion lucene search for simple text misses some results iPhone Native Crash with UTF-8 Block::purgeExpired giving "Lock wait timeout exceeded;"/"Deadlock" Article::updateCategoryCounts 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock Make Cross Origin compatible (CORS) Javascript not working for blackberry show/hide section collapse disabled
Going through the list also helped us discover a couple that should be closed WORKSFORME: Sometimes there's "undefined" in a Resource loader CSS request Prevent creation of new (unattached?) SUL accounts with already unified names
From there, we moved on to the bugs that were affecting people right
now. MediaWiki:Filepage.css not loaded on foreignwiki itself
Chad glommed onto right away. After a bit of diagnosis, he fixed it this morning ( Edited page is not showing the most recent edits to anyone not logged into wikipedia
Bawolff has been working on the problem and, upon Robla's advice, I bumped the priority. Bawolff may need some help figuring out how to test Squid, but until he does, he's on it. maintenance script edit.php doesn't update link tables properly
Since Bawolff was already working on this and it was otherwise a low priority, I assigned it to him. Anonymous users can edit page protected with [edit=autoconfirmed]
Roan suggested that the page may have been deleted and undeleted, thus removing the edit protection. This suggestion led to close examination of the log where Brion notice today that everything was,in fact, working correctly, but, because of difficulty on the part of the developers in understanding the timeline and the actions, that wasn't seen soon enough. Enable $wgHtml5 on Wikimedia wikis
There were no known technical issues blocking this, but in order to avoid having to roll it out and then roll it back when people complained that it broke, say, Twinkle, we needed to make sure we have someone who can babysit the roll out. After some discussion, We appointed Reedy to be the point man on this. India-style commas
This request from Indian wikis and a clear description of the tasks involved from Brion made it a great addition to our “Annoying little bug” page ( that I'm maintaining to point potential new MediaWiki developers to some relatively achievable tasks. LQT putting crap in dumps
By the time we got to this in triage, Brion already had a fix committed for this one. Yay, Brion! - Periodical run of currently disabled special pages (WantedPages, WantsTemplates etc.)
After Tim pointed out that a few of the disabled pages “should never be run under any circumstances”, I asked him to update the bug with information about which of the queries that was. [[MediaWiki:Enotif body]] needs GENDER support
As if Bawolff's involvement in the triage wasn't reason enough to continue holding them on IRC, Leinad stopped by during the meeting to ask if we could fix this bug for the 1.18 release.
After a bit of discussion, we decided that I should contact the author of enotify to see if he would fix gender support.
That's all for this week. Our next IRC triage will be at 2100 UTC Wednesday.
I hope to see you there,