Daniel Kinzler wrote:
I mean uploading an arbitrary number of files, without having to pick each one individually. For example by picking a directory, or multiple files fron the same directory.
Sure, HTML can give you 100 "choos file" fields. but who wants to use that?
-- daniel
I see. You're right, we would need a "multifile" input type.
Interestingly, type="file" seems to allow that on HTML5: "File Upload Zero or more files each with a MIME type and optionally a file name" and "The input element represents a list of selected files, " http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#file-upload-state
And HTML4 also allowed it: "file select This control type allows the user to select files " http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/interact/forms.html#file-sele...
Whereas HTML3 expected just one file. "type=file This provides a means for users to attach a file to the form's contents."
However, I don't think it is supported by browsers and many server scripts (including MediaWiki) would break if they are provided several files for one input element.
Maybe ask about it on the whatwg mailing list?