On 26/07/12 15:53, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
Hi all,
how are you? I'd like to know about the possibility of solving an old issue with CAPTCHA for Wikipedias in languages other than English. This bug
was created in 2006. There is a discussion here about having CAPTCHA in other languages from February 2012
but it seems there was no conclusion. After working on campus with new editors in Brazil, I've checked this is a real obstacle, since most people here cannot ready English at all.
Thet don't need to read English. They just need to type the letters they see on the image. Sure, you can have a small advantage if you know what letters could make a valid English word (or if you have the captcha dictionary installed), but a Brazilian which can read wikipedia should have no problems typing the captcha.
That said, it's easy enough to make a different set of captchas if we are provided a suitable dictionary of words (note that we don't want non-ansi letters such as รง in the captcha in case it's seen by a foreign user which doesn't have such letter on its keyboard).