"Brion VIBBER" skribis:
Paul Ebermann wrote:
"Brion VIBBER" skribis:
Note that _theoretically_ a legal UTF-8 sequence could also be legal ISO 8859-1.
[eo] Cxu vere?
Jes ja, sed ne cxiuj UTF-8-kodoj trovigxas en la gamo rezervita; [...]
Mi komprenis ke vi diris "Cxiu legala UTF-8-sekvenco estas legala ISO-8859-1". Nun mi komprenas ke vi diris "Ekzistas UTF-8-sekvencoj kiuj estas legala ISO-8859-1". Pardonu la konfuzo.
[en] Really?
Sure, but not all UTF-8 codes will find themselves in the reserved range; [...]
I understood that you said "Each legal UTF-8-sequence is legal ISO-8859-1", now I understand that you said "there are legal UTF-8-sequences which are legal ISO-8859-1". Sorry for the confusion.