On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:49 AM, John Vandenberg jayvdb@gmail.com wrote:
Could we add a logged-in-reader mode, for people who are infrequent contributors but wish to be logged in for the prefs.
They could be served a slightly old cached version of the page when one is available for their prefs. e.g. if the cached version is less than a minute old. The down side is that if they see an error, it may already be fixed. OTOH, if the page is being revised frequently, the same is likely to happen anyway. The text could be stale before it hits the wire due to parsing delay.
That could work on the first 3-5 wikipedias by number of visitors, for the rest you are most likely to serve VERY old versions (or just re-parse the page if you put a low threshold).